NotebookGrader makes it easy for instructors to assign and grade homework consisting of Python Jupyter Notebooks, and for students to work on such homework and receive feedback. Here's a demo video.

How it works: The instructor uploads a Jupyter notebook that becomes the assignment, and students get a copy in their Google Drive when they join the assignment. Students can work on the assignment in their browsers, and click a button to have their work graded and receive feedback. They can request grading multiple times, up to the assignment deadline. It all happens on Google Drive and Google Colab, so all students need is a browser.

Feedback and Help: Students' work and its revision history are accessible to instructors, making it easy to help students and check on their progress. Students can obtain AI feedback from Notebookgrader, which includes style comments on their work, and suggestions for improvement (while not revealing any actual solution code). This feature is in preview and available to UCSC only.

Notebook format: NotebookGrader uses a notebook format similar to nbgrader's, so you can easily reuse your notebooks.

Permissions: NotebookGrader needs to create Python Notebooks in the Google Drive of students (so that they can work on them) and Instructors (so that they can check that the grading is properly set up). NotebookGrader will only have access to the notebooks it creates; it will not have access to other Google Drive files.

Choose your role: NotebookGrader can be used by instructors and students: please choose your role using the top bar.